Tuesday, 26 January 2016



Have you ever felt like nothing matters anymore?
I Have!
Have you ever felt like you are trapped between a rock and a hard place?
I’ve been there!
Do you ever feel like you are having more bad days than good days?
Me too!
There is only one thing left to do

Let’s paint our canvas “WHITE!”

1.    Don’t look back; don’t look down, look straight ahead!
2.    You are Beautiful!
3.    “Move” just for the sake of moving!
4.    Do one thing everyday that makes you ecstatic!
5.    Be proud of your life!
6.    Paint, draw, write, dream, smile!
7.    Things are just things. Love is forever!
8.    The past has no room in the present!
9.    Imagine it then create it!
10. Put the demons inside you to rest!
11. Don’t change who you are, change what you do!
12. The past is gone “Now” is all you have!
13. You can and you will!
14. Meditate!
15. One positive thought can erase 10 negative ones!
16. Keep trying! Failure is success in disguise!
17. If the door won’t open try a different key!
18. Rest! Be patient!
19. Magic happens when you have Faith!
20. A forced smile is better than no smile at all!
21. Don’t quit, EVER!
22. Let Go! Let Go! Let Go!
23. Have holes? Fill them in and let them go!
24. If it doesn’t work out, begin again!
25. Love is everywhere
26. A small act of kindness goes a long way!
27. Pave a new road!
28. Never give up, especially on yourself!
29. Say NO to negativity!
30. Jump up and down and shout, “YES”!
31. Follow your instincts they will never let you down!
32. Conquer your fear. Kick them in the ass. We all have them!
33. Be still! Let it be!
34. Speak up, speak loud, be heard!
35. “Winners” believe that they have already “won”!
36. Re-invent yourself but never stop being “you”!
37. Make a “Happiness” list. Keep it simple!
38. Happiness is a choice!
39. Remember the things that make you smile!
40. Let your “Vision” become your “reality”!
41. How did it happen and why? Answer this and you will know!
42. Never give up!
43. Remarkable people believe that they are!
44. Brilliant people have many dull thoughts!
45. If you stop believing, “start” believing!
46. It’s all about choices. What do you choose?
47. Feeling fucked? Un-fuck yourself!
48. It doesn’t have to be “bad” only you can make it “good”!
49. If all else fails make soup!
50. Create a miracle today!
51. Set a daily intention!
52. Allow yourself to feel good!
53. Take a deep breath, then another, then go for a walk!
54. Temporary relief doesn’t last long!
55. Dream “BIG” but take small steps!
56. Make every moment count!
57. Your thoughts can hold you captive DON’T let them!
58. Live your experience it is yours to live and love!
59. It’s your light, turn it “ON”!
60. If the candle burns out light another!
61. Don’t worry, it’s ok not to finish!
62. Allow doors to close!
63. Be present in all that you do!
64. Say YES!
65. Forgive yourself and move on!
66. Don’t be afraid to express your opinion!
67. One step forward is better than two steps back!
68. Do what you LOVE!
69. Don’t lie in bed “thinking” jump out and start “doing”!
70. Survival comes to those who refuse to be victims!
71. Set attainable goals!
72. Compliment others!
73. Be yourself! Be really you!
74. Say good-bye to your “triggers”!

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