Sunday, 17 January 2016


is beauty well rehearsed
but never planned
Like Linen - simple
Like glass - delicate
Like steel - glistening strength
In her eyes is an untold story - 
Inner knowing
A story that will never grow old
One you will tell over and over again.

To be in the presence
of someone so captivating
humbles "me"
helps me remember that most days
I feel like the lining on a silver cloud-
Brilliant and free
I am hopeful that “She “ and I
Will meet one day

We will be humbled 
by each other
First from a distance
Then humbled once again
as our hands reach out
to touch the magic in the air

She is electric
Everything I remind myself to be

 is a tiny perfect little man
living in his modest little house
In his LARGER than life forest
where chopping down trees is a felony
He is safe there

His over-sized, pointy little nose
Glistens like a rooftop after rain
You must know the roof I speak of?
The twisty, colorful one
where shingles are not permitted
but tiny forest animals
are more than welcome to linger in the sun
or find shelter in the eaves when it storms

In his home
Manners are a must
Laughter is encouraged
Judgmental folks will be escorted out
For they can not magically shrink
To his humble little size

“He” and I have met
sipped bittersweet tea from tiny cups
as we discovered how best
to teach others by example
We brought up the meaning of
quite a few times
that day
that night

He is adventurous
Everything I remind myself to be

Humble beginnings
Are easily found
Humble endings-
The true meaning of “Humble” however
Is in the “Middle”
It was “she” who taught us that.

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