1. The deviation from accuracy or correctness; a
mistake, as in action or speech
2. Belief in something untrue; the holding of
mistaken opinions
Alice: “This is impossible.”
The Mad Hatter: “Only if you
believe it is.”
I can’t
I couldn’t
I won’t
I don’t know how
Things do not come
easily for me
I’m too old
I fail
I lost
It’s a trap
Doors are always
closing for me
Not Errors:
I can
I could
I will
I know how
Everything comes
easily for me
I’m young
I succeed
I win
It’s a golden
Doors open easily
for me
In the past I have
spent more time dwelling on the above-mentioned errors than I care to admit.
Today however I am here to personally declare,
“That bullshit keeps
you trapped. Negative thinking is the only thing keeping you in the “darkness”.
Its time to turn on the f*cking light. So come on… follow me, I know you want to!”
Positive thinking is
just a “light switch” and it really isn’t difficult to find.
Every morning you
open your eyes?
That’s light switch
number 1!
Your first thought?
Light switch number
Every thought that
follows is dependent on that second “switch”.
Can you remember
your first morning thought?
Is it positive?
Probably not.
What if I told you
that it really is this simple?
We try too hard;
this is a fact. We analyze everything until it is rotten. Worse, we give it no
thought at all; discard it as somebody else’s “problem.
We convince
ourselves that either we are wrong, or somebody else is, thus the reason we
just aren’t happy.
What if I told you
that there is no “wrong” answer, no black or white… everything is “colorful and
all we have to do to feel eternally “joyful” is to slightly adjust our way of
All we have to do is
turn the “light on”.
Do I hear a sigh of
Well go ahead and
sigh because it really is that simple!
Go ahead
Turn on the light
Concentrate on the
check mark above
Let go of “errors”
Allow yourself to be
a positive person
Start here…
Just for today:
When you catch
yourself thinking or feeling or being negative, which I am almost certain you
will do, “SHOUT OUT LOUD!”
“That’s OK!”
And it really
fucking is!
Now, look around you,
find one thing that is “right”, then
another, and another, and I am certain that you will.
Look at that, you
have just discovered 2 more light switches.
After this easier
than “pie” (life is a bowl of cherries) practice, let it all “GO”. Where? I don’t know and neither
should you, return to whatever it is you were doing.
I bet my life you
are suddenly in “THE MOMENT”
The next time your
mind decides it is going to trick you into “error mode” or “negative thinking”,
and it will happen.
Just repeat the
It really is this
After about 5 days,
give or take a day, that’s all, you will be well on your way to re-conditioning
negative brain waves into a mind frame that sees, feels, and experiences
complete happiness.
It really is this
You have a voice?
Use it to affect how
you “think”.
You have a choice?
Use it to experience
Maybe you have a
thought or two, or more?
Use it to turn the
light “ON”.
This is your “OPEN” door out of darkness.
Are you walking
I bet my life you
want to at least try?
It really is this
So try and, maybe,
try again.
Remember the “x”
is a crossroads into the dark.
The “check mark” is a decision to be
Choose wisely!
All you have to do
is “think” like a Mad Hatter”:
“Only if you believe
it is!”
It really is this
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